Routine Name: solveLaplace
Author: Kyle Hovey
Language: C++
This is the exact same code from the Poisson solver in last assignment, but instead of using LU factorization to find the solution, we use the conjugate gradient method
Same input (driving function, boundary conditions, etc…) as the Poisson solver from last assignment.
The solution to the specified Poisson equation as a 2D matrix. This also outputs an image file.
#include "../../matrix/src/matrix/matrix.h"
#include "../../image/src/image/image.h"
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <cmath>
using Mtx = Matrix::Matrix<double>;
template <typename T>
using planeToScalar = std::function<T(T, T)>;
template <typename T>
using coord = std::tuple<T, T>;
template <typename T>
using stencil = std::vector<std::tuple<T, coord<T>>>;
template <typename T>
using stencilGen = std::function<stencil<T>(
const std::tuple<T, T>&,
const T& h
int main() {
// Define domain
const coord<double> domain = { 0, 1 };
// Define driving function
const planeToScalar<double> driver =
[](const double& x, const double& y) {
return std::sin(x * y);
// G(x, y) along the boundaries
const planeToScalar<double> boundary =
[](const double& x, const double& y) -> double {
(void) x;
(void) y;
return 0.0;
// Define size of mesh
const uint size = 5;
// Stencil generation
const stencilGen<double> fivePoint = [](
const coord<double>& center,
const double& h
) {
const auto [ x, y ] = center;
const auto mult = 1.0 / (double) (h * h);
return stencil<double>({
{ mult * -4,{ x + 0, y + 0 } },
{ mult * 1, { x + h, y + 0 } },
{ mult * 1, { x - h, y + 0 } },
{ mult * 1, { x + 0, y + h } },
{ mult * 1, { x + 0, y - h } }
auto soln = solveLaplace<double>(size, domain, driver, fivePoint, boundary);
std::cout << "Solution with 5-point stencil:" << std::endl;
std::cout << soln << std::endl;
// Output to file for funsies
Image::ImageWriter::matrixHeatmap("soln.ppm", soln);
-0.0970489 -0.162868 -0.1537
-0.162868 -0.276049 -0.265528
-0.1537 -0.265528 -0.266089
* Solve ∇²u(x, y) = f(x, y)
* @param size Mesh size
* @param domain Lower-left and upper-right coordinates of domain
* @param driver Driving function (f(x, y) on the r.h.s.)
* @param stencil Function that takes tuple of evaluation point coordinates
* and returns a vector of tuples for the resulting stencil that also
* includes multipliers. Offsets should be integer multiples of h. Example:
* { (-4, (2, 2)), (1, (2, 3)), (1, (2, 1)) }
* @param dirichlet Function u(x, y) along boundary
* @return Matrix of values that resemble a solution over u's domain
template <typename T>
Matrix::Matrix<T> solveLaplace(
const uint& size,
const coord<T>& domain,
const planeToScalar<T>& driver,
const stencilGen<T>& makeStencil,
const planeToScalar<T>& dirichlet
) {
// Find limits of domain
const auto a = std::get<0>(domain);
const auto b = std::get<1>(domain);
const auto h = (b - a) / (size - 1);
// Internal limits of sampling
const auto _a = a + h;
const auto _b = a + b - h;
const auto _intSize = size - 2;
// Instantiate output grid (interior of mesh)
Matrix::Matrix<T> rhs(
[&](const uint& row, const uint& col) {
// Determine location in domain
const auto x = a + h * (col + 1);
const auto y = a + h * (row + 1);
// Initialize an accumulator
T acc = 0;
// Add on driving function
acc += driver(x, y);
// Determine stencil
const auto samples = makeStencil({ x, y }, h);
for (const auto& sample : samples) {
const auto [ mult, coords ] = sample;
const auto [ _x, _y ] = coords;
// If outside of interior
if (_x < _a || _x > _b || _y < _a || _y > _b) {
// Subtract off the boundary (since we are truncating it)
acc -= dirichlet(_x, _y);
return acc;
// Turn rhs into a column vector
rhs = rhs.flatten();
// Create the laplacian operator
Matrix::Matrix<T> lap(_intSize * _intSize, _intSize * _intSize);
// For each of the laplacian entries in lexigraphical order
for (uint col = 0; col < _intSize; ++col) {
for (uint row = 0; row < _intSize; ++row) {
// Create a temporary matrix to embed stencil in
Matrix::Matrix<T> stencilOp(_intSize, _intSize);
// Determine stencil w.r.t. index, not domain
const auto samples = makeStencil({ col, row }, 1);
for (const auto& sample : samples) {
const auto [ mult, coords ] = sample;
const auto [ _col, _row ] = coords;
// If inside of interior
if (_col >= 0 && _col < _intSize && _row >= 0 && _row < _intSize) {
// Embed point inside of matrix
stencilOp.setVal(_col, _row, mult);
// Flatten into a column vector
stencilOp = stencilOp.flatten();
// Add values to the correct row in laplace operator
for (uint j = 0; j < _intSize * _intSize; ++j) {
lap.setVal(row + _intSize * col, j, stencilOp.getVal(j, 0));
// Solve system for solution
auto u = Matrix::Matrix<T>::solve(lap, rhs, Matrix::Solve::ConjugateGradient);
// Reform matrix
u = u.squareUp(_intSize, _intSize);
return u;