Routine Name: Predictor Corrector Methods
Author: Kyle Hovey
Language: C++
This code computes a solution to an initial value problem using the Adams Bashforth method to create a good initial guess looking forward, then an Adams Moulton method using that guess to correct the solution to a more correct one. Using Adams Bashforth to get an initial guess means that the Adams Moulton method becomes an explicit method.
The constants and base cases for the test cases.
This code prints a comparison of the approximated solution (via a Predictor Corrector method) and the exact solution (computed analytically).
int main() {
// Delta t used in Predictor Corrector method
const auto dt = 0.00001;
// Variables for evaluation
const std::tuple<double, double> domain = { 0.0, 1.0 };
const unsigned int steps = 5;
// Test cases for u' = λu
const auto alpha = 10.0;
const std::array<double, 3> lambdas = { 1, -1, 100 };
// Test cases for Logistic Equation
const auto gamma = 0.1;
const auto beta = 0.0001;
const std::array<double, 2> Pos = { 25, 40000 };
std::cout << "|||||||||| Lambda DiffEQ |||||||||" << std::endl;
for (const auto lambda : lambdas) {
const auto approx = predictorCorrector<double>(
[=](const double& t, const double& u) -> double {
(void) t;
return lambda * u;
const auto exact = TestCases::genLambdaSolution<double>(lambda, alpha);
std::cout << std::endl << "=============" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Solving with lambda = " << lambda << std::endl;
printComparison<double>(exact, approx, domain, steps);
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "|||||||||| Logistic DiffEQ |||||||||" << std::endl;
for (const auto Po : Pos) {
const auto approx = predictorCorrector<double>(
[=](const double& t, const double& P) -> double {
(void) t;
return gamma * P - beta * P * P;
const auto exact = TestCases::genLogisticSolution(beta, gamma, Po);
std::cout << std::endl << "=============" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Solving with Po = " << Po << std::endl;
printComparison<double>(exact, approx, domain, steps);
|||||||||| Lambda DiffEQ |||||||||
Solving with lambda = 1
exact(0) = 10
approx(0) = 10
exact(0.2) = 12.214
approx(0.2) = 12.214
exact(0.4) = 14.9182
approx(0.4) = 14.9182
exact(0.6) = 18.2212
approx(0.6) = 18.2212
exact(0.8) = 22.2554
approx(0.8) = 22.2554
exact(1) = 27.1828
approx(1) = 27.1825
Solving with lambda = -1
exact(0) = 10
approx(0) = 10
exact(0.2) = 8.18731
approx(0.2) = 8.18731
exact(0.4) = 6.7032
approx(0.4) = 6.7032
exact(0.6) = 5.48812
approx(0.6) = 5.48812
exact(0.8) = 4.49329
approx(0.8) = 4.49329
exact(1) = 3.67879
approx(1) = 3.67883
Solving with lambda = 100
exact(0) = 10
approx(0) = 10
exact(0.2) = 4.85165e+09
approx(0.2) = 4.85164e+09
exact(0.4) = 2.35385e+18
approx(0.4) = 2.35384e+18
exact(0.6) = 1.14201e+27
approx(0.6) = 1.142e+27
exact(0.8) = 5.54062e+35
approx(0.8) = 5.54055e+35
exact(1) = 2.68812e+44
approx(1) = 2.68539e+44
|||||||||| Logistic DiffEQ |||||||||
Solving with Po = 25
exact(0) = 25
approx(0) = 25
exact(0.2) = 25.4922
approx(0.2) = 25.4922
exact(0.4) = 25.9937
approx(0.4) = 25.9937
exact(0.6) = 26.5049
approx(0.6) = 26.5049
exact(0.8) = 27.0259
approx(0.8) = 27.0259
exact(1) = 27.5568
approx(1) = 27.5568
Solving with Po = 40000
exact(0) = 40000
approx(0) = 40000
exact(0.2) = 22570.2
approx(0.2) = 22570.2
exact(0.4) = 15815.2
approx(0.4) = 15815.2
exact(0.6) = 12228
approx(0.6) = 12228
exact(0.8) = 10003.8
approx(0.8) = 10003.8
exact(1) = 8490.15
approx(1) = 8490.22
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include "../../testCases/src/testCases/testCases.h"
template <typename T>
using endo = std::function<T(const T&)>;
template <typename T>
using driver = std::function<T(const T&, const T&)>;
* Solve a basic differential equation using a Predictor Corrector technique.
* u' = f(t, u)
* @param {f} RHS of differential equation (utilizes uPrime)
* @param {dt} Differential of time between samples
* (output function will round to these)
* @param {uInit} Initial value of u(0)
* @return Function that gives you the output at time t
template <typename T>
endo<T> predictorCorrector(
const driver<T>& f,
const T& dt,
const T& uInit
) {
// Memoization cache
std::vector<T> cache = { };
return [=](const T& t) mutable -> T {
const auto step = std::floor(t / dt);
if (step >= cache.size()) {
const auto size = cache.size();
for (auto i = size; i <= step; ++i) {
const auto lastVal = cache[i - 1];
const auto kOne = lastVal + dt * f(t, lastVal);
const auto kTwo = lastVal + 0.5 * dt * (f(t, lastVal) + f(t, kOne));
return cache[step];