Some Test Cases

Routine Name: Exponential Lambda Solution

Author: Kyle Hovey

Language: C++


This method generates the analytic solution to the basic differential equation:

\[ u’ = \lambda u; u(0) \equiv \alpha \]

which has the solution

\[ u(t) = \alpha e^{\lambda t} \]


  • \( \alpha \)
  • \( \lambda \)


A lambda function that can be evaluated for an exact solution to the analytic equation (up to roundoff error).


#include <iostream>
#include "testCases/testCases.h"

int main() {
  const auto alpha = 10.0;
  const auto lambda = -1.0;

  const auto soln = TestCases::genLambdaSolution(lambda, alpha);

  for (auto i = 0u; i < 10; ++i) {
    std::cout << "u(" << i << ") = " << soln(i) << std::endl;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;


u(0) = 10
u(1) = 3.67879
u(2) = 1.35335
u(3) = 0.497871
u(4) = 0.183156
u(5) = 0.0673795
u(6) = 0.0247875
u(7) = 0.00911882
u(8) = 0.00335463
u(9) = 0.0012341


#include <functional>
#include <cmath>

template <typename T>
using endomorphism = std::function<T(const T&)>;

namespace TestCases {
   * Generates the analytic solution to the differential equation
   *  u' = λu; u(0) := α
   * @param lambda Lambda in the equation above
   * @param alpha Initial condition at u(0)
   * @return Analytic solution
  template <typename T>
  endomorphism<T> genLambdaSolution(const T& lambda, const T& alpha) {
    return [=](const T& t) -> T {
      return alpha * std::exp(lambda * t);

Routine Name: Logistic Equation (From Assignment 1)

Author: Kyle Hovey

Language: C++


A logistic equation is a solution \(P\) to the differential equation:

\[ \frac{dP}{dt} = \gamma P - \beta P^2 \]

The solution of which can be massaged to the form:

\[ \frac{\gamma}{(\frac{\gamma}{P_o} - \beta)e^{-\gamma t} + \beta} \ni P_o := P(0)\]

This code takes the free parameters for the logistic equation and returns a function that takes a templated time variable and returns a value of the same type at time t.


The free parameters that define the logistic equation: \( \{ \gamma, \beta, P_o \} \), as well as a type T that the function should be defined over.


A function that takes a parameter t of type T and returns the value of the specified logisic equation evaluated at t.


To use this function, you have to include it in the file you need to call it from.

#include "logistic/logistic.h"
#include <limits>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
  // Parameters for logistic equation
  const double
    gamma = 2,
    beta = 1,
    Po = 1;

  // Generate the required function
  auto logistic = genLogistic<double>(gamma, beta, Po);

  // Call it for some basic values
  for (int i = -10; i <= 10; i++) {
    std::cout << i << " -> " << logistic(i) << std::endl;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;


-10 -> 4.12231e-09
-9 -> 3.046e-08
-8 -> 2.2507e-07
-7 -> 1.66306e-06
-6 -> 1.22883e-05
-5 -> 9.07957e-05
-4 -> 0.0006707
-3 -> 0.00494525
-2 -> 0.0359724
-1 -> 0.238406
0 -> 1
1 -> 1.76159
2 -> 1.96403
3 -> 1.99505
4 -> 1.99933
5 -> 1.99991
6 -> 1.99999
7 -> 2
8 -> 2
9 -> 2
10 -> 2


I made this function as abstract as possible. I probably could have gone with partial function application to bind \( \gamma \), \( \beta \), and \( P_o \), but C++ does not have a very clean way of doing this yet. Instead, I created a small factory for the logistic equation that took the free parameters and returns a function that is a logistic map.

template <typename T>
using endomorphism = std::function<T(T)>;

template <typename T>
endomorphism<T> genLogistic(T gamma, T beta, T Po) {
  auto amp = ( gamma / Po - beta);

  return endomorphism<T>(
    [=] (T t) {
      return gamma / (amp * exp(-gamma * t) + beta);